Graduate students

Luke Capek
Graduate Student
- lcapek@iu.edu
Research interests
ethics, mainly metaethics and moral psychology; early modern philosophy; Wittgenstein

Kavin Chada
Graduate Student
- kchada@iu.edu
Research interests
Kant, ethics, Early Buddhism, philosophy of religion, Marx, social and political philosophy

Deborah Cocheo
Graduate Student
- dcocheo@iu.edu
Research interests
philosophy of mind, phenomenology, and philosophy of science; cognitive science; and the interplay of philosophy of language and theoretical linguistics, as it relates to the structures of consciousness

Shaughnessy Cudmore-Keating
Graduate Student
- scudmore@iu.edu
philosophy of mind and language and the history of analytic philosophy (especially Wittgenstein)

Dan Dake
Graduate Student
- rddake@iu.edu
Research interests
moral philosophy; moral psychology; virtue ethics; philosophy of attention

Alex Fiander
Graduate Student
- afiander@iu.edu
epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, metaphysics

Simon Foss
Graduate Student
- sifoss@iu.edu
Research interests
epistemology, ontology, and the relationship between the two; logic and mathematical philosophy; literature and philosophy, the meaning of storytelling; philosophy and education, pedagogy, the instructional value of philosophy

Kjell Fostervold
Graduate Student
- kfosterv@iu.edu
Research interests
moral philosophy, broadly construed to include value theory, metaethics, virtue ethics, meaning of/in life, and evil; moral psychology (especially the emotions, sentiments, or reactive attitudes); Chinese philosophy (especially classical Confucian ethics and political philosophy)

Daniel Gaines
Graduate Student
- dagain@iu.edu
Research interests
Ethics, Applied Ethics, Metaethics, Philosophy of Well-Being, Political Philosophy, and Philosophy of Law

Katrina Haaksma
Graduate Student
- kajahaak@iu.edu
Research interests
social ontology; social epistemology; feminist philosophy

Ashton Hoene
Graduate Student
- anhoene@iu.edu
Research interests
epistemology, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind

Matthew Hoffman
Graduate Student
- mah7@iu.edu
Research interests
ethics and normativity, feminist epistemology, practical ethics, philosophy of love and friendship

Paul Howatt
Graduate Student
- pjhowatt@iu.edu
Research interests
value theory, especially metaethics, moral philosophy, political philosophy and applied ethics; cognitive science; psychology

Oliver Hyde
- mohyde@iu.edu
Research interests
Logic, specifically logical frameworks and model theory; as well as issues in homelessness

Matthew Jackson
Graduate Student
- mj153@iu.edu
Research interests
applied ethics, normative ethics, and social and political philosophy

Mariam Kazanjian
Graduate Student
- maelkenn@indiana.edu
Research interests
ethics; moral psychology; philosophy of law

Ethan Kerns
Graduate Student
- ethdkern@iu.edu
Research interests
ethics (in particular, moral psychology and moral reasoning) and Kant’s philosophy (especially Kantian ethics); history of philosophy, in early modern philosophy and post-Kantian German philosophy

Valerii Latyshev
Graduate Student
- valaty@iu.edu
Research interests
free will, moral responsibility, evolution and grounding of morality

Tim Leisz
Graduate Student
- twleisz@iu.edu
Research interests
metaphysics: specifically, ontology and composition, meta-ontology, personal identity and the metaphysics of persons, and the interface between metaphysics and philosophy of language; the philosophies of mind, science, logic, religion

David Lorenzo
Graduate Student
- dalore@iu.edu
Research interests
metaethics; normative ethics; applied ethics

Antonio Monaco
Graduate Student
- anmonaco@iu.edu
Research interests
philosophy of mind and action; ethics; Kant

James Murphy
Graduate Student
- murphjaj@iu.edu
Research interests
feminist philosophy; philosophy of language; epistemology; applied ethics

Le Phuoc Dat Nguyen
Graduate Student
- lenguye@iu.edu
Research interests
normative ethics, action theory, and critical epistemology

Annalise Norling
Graduate Student
- anorling@iu.edu
Research interests
ethics, applied ethics, and bioethics, particularly where they intersect with the philosophy of science; epistemology; social and political philosophy

Juan Palencia
Graduate Student
- jpalenc@iu.edu
Research interests
epistemology; philosophy of science; metaphysics; philosophy of logic and mathematics; history of analytical philosophy (especially Frege and Quine); Kant and German idealism

Joshua Paschal
Graduate Student
- jospasch@iu.edu
Research interests
applied ethics; normative ethics; philosophy of law; social and political philosophy; history of Western philosophy; philosophy of language; philosophy religion; philosophy of history

Zoe Pettler
Graduate Student
- zpettler@iu.edu
Research interests
feminist philosophy; social epistemology

Aaron Richardson
Graduate Student
- richaaad@iu.edu
Research interests
normative ethics, metaethics, moral psychology

Matthew Rogers
Graduate Student
- rogermat@iu.edu
Research interests
epistemology and philosophy of religion

Andrew Steele
Graduate Student
- andrstee@iu.edu
Research interests
epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of language

Ivan Verano
Graduate Student
- iverano@indiana.edu
Research interests
formal representations of knowledge, the epistemic logics that may result, and the computational properties of said models

Jacob Walerius
Graduate Student
- jawaler@iu.edu
Research interests
Kant; Frege; Wittgenstein; philosophy of mind; philosophy of language

Ethan Walker
Graduate Student
- etwalk@iu.edu
Research interests
metaphysics, particularly the philosophy of space and time, free will, explanation, and ontology, along with their applications to the philosophy of religion

Alexander Webb
Graduate Student
- afwebb@iu.edu
Research interests
philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics; classical Chinese and Indian philosophy

Jag Williams
Graduate Student
- jagmwill@iu.edu
Research interests
philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology, perception, Merleau-Ponty, and Neo-Kantianism

Douglas Yetman
Graduate Student
- dyetman@iu.edu
Research interests
metaphysics; epistemology (formal and traditional); decision theory