Our faculty has the following distinctive array of research strengths in the history of philosophy, metaphysics and epistemology (including logic), and value theory, and regularly offers a variety of graduate courses in all three of these main areas.
- History of philosophy: Ancient philosophy (especially Aristotle), medieval philosophy, eighteenth century philosophy (especially Hume and Smith), Kant, nineteenth century German philosophy (especially Hegel, Fichte, Schopenhauer, and Marx), and history of analytic philosophy (especially Wittgenstein, Carnap, Quine, Putnam, and Davidson)
- Metaphysics and epistemology (including logic): Action theory (especially free will and collective agency), classical first-order logic, meta-ontology, metaphysical modality, ontology, philosophy of language (especially meaning and reference), philosophy of logic, philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychoanalysis, philosophical psychology, philosophy of cognitive science, external-world skepticism, self-knowledge, and philosophy of religion
- Value theory: Aesthetics, contemporary ethics and its history, feminist philosophy and its history, moral psychology, philosophical psychology, and political philosophy. The department also has special strengths in research that lies at the intersection of one or more these area of value theory and other subfields, such as epistemology
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