Philosophy majors have one of the highest admissions rates for law school and medical school nationally. They score in the top 3-4 of all majors on graduate admissions exams such as the LSAT (law school) and GMAT (business school).
Law, Medicine, + Business
Medical school
- Combine Philosophy coursework with premed requirements. Consider double-majoring with a science.
- Take Philosophy courses that develop your skills in critical analysis, reasoning, and ethical problem-solving, including P393 Biomedical Ethics.
- Gain clinical and community service experience.
- Participate in research.
- Prepare for the MCAT. Philosophy courses are especially helpful in preparing you for the Critical Analysis and Reasoning section.
Law school
- Combine Philosophy coursework with courses in other fields that fit with your interests (e.g., Ethics, Political Science, Public Policy, Economics, Criminal Justice).
- Take Philosophy courses that develop your skills in reasoning, critical analysis, and ethical problem-solving, especially P150 Elementary Logic or P250 Symbolic Logic, ethics courses, and P376 Philosophy of Law.
- Do an internship and informational interviews with legal professionals.
- Prepare for the LSAT.
- Combine Philosophy coursework with courses in other fields that are relevant to your interests (e.g, Ethics, Management, Economics, International Studies, etc.). Consider a double major with the Liberal Arts and Management Program (LAMP). hyperlink
- Take Philosophy courses that develop your skills in logic and ethical problem-solving, such as P150 Elementary Logic or P250 Symbolic Logic and P242 Applied Ethics.
- Do an internship and informational interviews with professionals in your areas of interest
- Prepare for the GMAT, if you are thinking about going to graduate school in business

In Philosophy courses, we deal with 'big ideas', but the methodology is structured and rigorous. We find strengths in arguments and exploit their flaws. We work to strengthen the argument while finding its best form. These skills are imperative in a business environment. Making important decisions that involve multiple parties requires the ability to understand how another might think, and how they may respond to proposals.
Niko Katsinis, B.A. ‘19, Philosophy, Investment Performance Analyst, Callan Investment Consultants