- Ph.D., Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, 1990
- B.S., Physics, summa cum laude, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1981

Kirk Ludwig
Ruth N. Halls Professor, Philosophy
Director of Graduate Studies
Ruth N. Halls Professor, Philosophy
Director of Graduate Studies
Professor Ludwig works on foundational issues in the philosophy of language (esp. logical form and semantics), the philosophy of mind and action, epistemology, and metaphysics, though his interests extend to every area of philosophical inquiry. He taught at the University of Florida from 1990 to 2010 and was the Colonel Alan R. and Margaret G. Crow CLAS Term Professor from 2008-2010, when he joined the philosophy department at Indiana University, Bloomington.
He is the editor of the volume on Donald Davidson (2003) in the Cambridge Contemporary Philosophy in Focus series, and he is coauthor with Ernie Lepore (Rutgers) of Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language and Reality (OUP 2005) and Donald Davidson's Truth-theoretic Semantics (OUP 2007), and co-editor with Ernie Lepore of A Companion to Davidson (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013). He is the author most recently of two books on collective agency: From Individual to Plural Agency: Collective Action 1 (OUP 2016) and From Plural to Institutional Agency: Collective Action 2 (OUP 2017), and co-editor with Marija Jankovic of the Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality (2018).
He edits the Collective Intentionality category at Philpapers.
Recent article publications include
“Conventions and Status Functions,” with Marija Jankovic, The Journal of Philosophy, 2022 119(2):89-111.
“Let Me Go and Try,” Philosophical Explorations 24 (3): 340-358. 2021. DOI: 10.1080/13869795.2021.1957202
“Is Rule of Reference Essential to Meaning?” Metaphysics, 2020 3(1): 92-102.
“The Social Construction of Legal Norms,” in Social Ontology, Normativity and Law, eds. Miguel Garcia, Rachael Mellin, and Raimo Tuomela, De Gruyter, 2020.
“Triangulating on Thought and Norms,” contribution to a symposium on Robert Myers and Claudine Verheggen’s Donald Davidson’s Triangulation Argument for Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, 2020 59(2): 175-206.
“What is Minimal Cooperation?” in Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency, ed. Anika Fiebich, Springer, 2020: 9-40.
“From Individual to Collective Responsibility: There and Back Again,” The Routledge Handbook of Collective Responsibility, eds. Saba Bazargan-Forward and Deborah Tollefsen, 2020: 78-93.
“Unconscious Inference Theories of Cognitive Achievement,” with Wade Munroe, in Inference and Consciousness, eds. Timothy Chan and Anders Nes, Routledge, 2020: 15-39.
“What Are Group Speech Acts?,” Language and Communication, 2020 70: 46-58.
"Assertion by Proxy" (Oxford Handbook of Assertion, 2018),
"Proxy Agency" (Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality, 2018),
"Actions and Events in Plural Discourse" (Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality, 2018),
"Unity in the Variety of Quotation" (with Greg Ray in Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects of Quotation, Springer, 2018)
"Do Corporations Have Minds of Their Own?" (Philosophical Psychology, 2017)
"Truth-theoretic Semantics and Its Limits" (Argumenta, 2017)
"Fission, First Person Thought, and Subject-body Dualism" (European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 2017)
"Plural Action Sentences and Logical Form: Reply to Himmelreich" (Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2017)
"Thought Experiments in Experimental Philosophy" (in Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments, ed. by Mike Stuart and James Brown, 2017)
"Methodological Individualism, the We-mode, and Team Reasoning" (in Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality, ed. by Gerhard Preyer and Georg Peter, Springer, 2017)
"Corporate Speech in Citizens United vs. FEC" (SpazioFilosofico: Agency, vol. 16, February 2016)
"What are Conditional Intentions?" (Methode: Analytic Perspectives, 2015)
"Is Distributed Cognition Group Level Cognition" (Journal of Social Ontology, 2015)
"Was Davidson's Project a Carnapian Explication of Meaning?" (Journal of the History of Analytic Philosophy, 2015)
"The Ontology of Collective Action" (in From Individual to Collective Intentionality, OUP 2014)
"Proxy Agency in Collective Action" (Noûs 2014)
"Propositions and Higher-Order Attitude Attributions" (Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 2013)
"Methods in Analytic Epistemology" (in Philosophical Methodology: the armchair or the laboratory, Routledge, 2013)
"The Argument for Subject-Body Dualism from Transtemporal-identity" (Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2012)
"Truth and Meaning Redux" (with Ernie Lepore, Philosophical Studies, 2011)