Richard Rufus of Cornwall: Sententia cum quaestionbus in libros De anima Aristotelis

Richard Rufus of Cornwall: Sententia cum quaestionbus in libros De anima Aristotelis
Rega Wood, Jennifer R. Ottman, Neil Lewis, Christopher J. Martin
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Explores the first great commentary, in the Western philosophical tradition, on Aristotle's On the Soul.

Adresses key philosophical questions such as `how do we understand ourselves', and `how is our immortal soul united with our body?'

This is the first complete edition of a work that disappeared from the historical record 700 years ago.


Richard Rufus of Cornwall: Sententia cum quaestionbus in libros De anima Aristotelis, Rega Wood, Jennifer R. Ottman, Neil Lewis, Christopher J. Martin, Oxford University Press, 2018.