The Good, the Beautiful, the Green: Environmentalism and Aesthetics

The Good, the Beautiful, the Green: Environmentalism and Aesthetics
Sandra Shapshay,
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The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism publishes current research articles, symposia, special issues, and timely book reviews in aesthetics and the arts. The term aesthetics, in this connection, is understood to include all studies of the arts and related types of experience from a philosophic, scientific, or other theoretical standpoint. The arts are taken to include not only the traditional forms such as music, literature, landscape architecture, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, and other visual arts, but also more recent additions such as photography, film, earthworks, performance and conceptual art, the crafts and decorative arts, contemporary digital innovations, and other cultural practices, including work and activities in the field of popular culture.


The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism special issue on The Good, the Beautiful, the Green: Environmentalism and Aesthetics, eds. Sandra Shapshay and Levi Tenen, Wilely, vol. 76, no. 4, Fall 2018.